Future of Higher Education *Idea Generation Jam*
21. Januar 2017, 9:30 - 12:00
| KostenlosWe are pleased to announce our first OpenIDEO Vienna Chapter session for 2017.
This time our session is about generating ideas for the current higher education challenge:
”How might we better prepare all learners for the needs of tomorrow by reimagining higher education?”
You should join us if
• you want to contribute with your ideas to re-imagine higher education and/or
• you want to learn Design Thinking skills (this time idea generation skills in particular) and/or
• you want to learn more about the global OpenIDEO community and the local chapter and are interested to join
In this short session, we will guide you through some idea generation exercises and upload the best ideas onto the open innovation platform. Ideas then can be further fleshed out by you and/or the global community in future steps; that way we can spark impact.
We will meet at our friends at Qualitätszeit (a very fitting name for our session :))
CU soon